NOTE!!! Consider what would work best for you; painting the natural chair first before assembling it, or afterwards, that is different for everyone. To prevent the paint from rubbing off and for the durability of the paint, it is advisable to finish the chair with a matt varnish afterwards. (see: Instructions - 'How to treat?')

What is possible?

The photo with the children's hands speaks volumes. So if you have creative children and want to get started with water-based paint, that is of course also very fun and educational. Just ask an adult for help.


Little people have big wishes

For example, you can also
get inspiration from:

  • the birth announcement
  • a Disney character
  • his/her favorite cuddly toy etc. ... you name it.

This way the chair becomes his/her own 'big' little people chair.

  • Light, low and easy to move

  • Stable and strong

  • Sam is completely happy with her chair

Chair preferably completely in 1 color

If you prefer one colour, choose a nice KLIK KLAK colour in the shop.
It is not recommended to do it yourself, as the paint will then go over the laser-cut dark CLICK CLACK edges.